Pavilion Rentals
The Ephrata Rec Center rents out the pavilions at Thomas Grater Park seasonally from April through October. Pavilion rentals are accepted in person at the Rec Center front desk. Call 717-738-1167 for availability. Pavilions are rented on a first come, first served basis.
Pavilion Hours: 8 am to 8 pm
Fees: Boro Resident Non Resident
Up to 4 Hours $35 $70
Over 4 Hours $70 $140
- In order to get the resident fee you must reside in the Ephrata Boro-exceptions see Executive Director
- Begin taking reservations October 1st for the following year
- Payment is due at time of registration. No Holds.
- Remember set-up and tear down is included in the rental times.
- Doors do not open until rental time.
Pavilion #1 is Band Shell Side
Pavilion #2 is Ball Field Side
Each Pavilion can hold up to 150 people
Cash or Check only (Check made payable to the Boro of Ephrata)
Rental Permit