Membership: Silver Sneakers/Silver & Fit/Renew Active/FitOn Health
The Ephrata Rec has four insurance-based membership options: Silver Sneakers, Silver & Fit, Renew Active and FitOn Health. This membership type gives you full use of the facility, including the pool, cardio room and fitness room plus FREE Silver Sneakers Fitness Classes. For more info, or to find out if you qualify, stop into the Rec with your insurance card or call us at 717-738-1167 x105.
Membership: Golden Years Club
Meet old friends, make new ones, be active, stay young. The Rec Center’s Golden Years club is an active, social group for local young at heart seniors age 55 and older.
Meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month and include lunch and a program. Programs include local musical and entertainment talent, area history and informative topics.
GYC members also have opportunities to participate in a yearly beach trip as well as pinochle here at
the Rec Center.
Special events each year are a summer picnic and Christmas dinner. For more information on the Golden Years Club, contact the Rec at 738-1167.
View Spring NewsletterSign Up for Membership
You can print a membership application below and bring into the Ephrata Rec Center’s Front Desk. All major credit cards are accepted for memberships. In addition, the front desk also accepts personal check or cash.